The Secret Soundscape Club…

It’s a little bit fiction, a little bit truth. A little bit abstract, a little bit flash. Every month, it’s a new mini soundscape. Always under 3 minutes in length (and often less). It’s an invitation to listen and to synchronise ears + imagination. It’s an intimate meeting in the privacy of your inbox. It’s on the last day…

cities and memory field recordings

The Sound Edit ))) January 2015

))) The Sound: the giddy optimism of the new year was swiftly curtailed as the horrifying Charlie Hebdo events in Paris started unfolding.  I am still finding it difficult to process the brutality of what occurred. While the worldwide news channels presenting the same images over and over in an endless loop only helped make matters more surreal, it…

La Cosa Preziosa

In Apnea

Some geographical locations are inextricably linked to our personal memories.  If such a sonic relationship was built over time, even years, and through multiple visits and experiences, then these locations can sometimes lose their unique identity as characteristics blur into a single ‘memory place’. This short soundscape is partly sound memory, part fiction.  It distills memories of play growing up as…

Soundwalk styles roundup

I think it’s fair to assume that if you follow this blog you will know what a soundwalk is. But for those unfamiliar with the term: this fun and interactive practice essentially involves a small group listening, and sometimes recording, while moving through a physical space at a slow walking pace. Soundwalks can be powerful tools when used in…

The Sound Edit ))) November 2014

))) The Play: Follow at the Abbey Theatre (Peacock stage).  I am always interested in alternative uses of narrative devices, in whatever format, so was immediately intrigued when I heard of this piece of theatre as it claimed to be “inspired by sign language as a form of communication and narrative device”.  As if that wasn’t challenging enough,…

10 Amazing Things About HearSay 2014

1) The sudden realisation that the stranger who just bought you a pint is your favourite podcaster. 2) Knocking on any Kilfinane door to borrow a fork being perfectly acceptable behaviour. 3) The welcoming waft of hot breakfasts at Molly’s. 4) Getting blindfolded in the Library to taste Tayto crisps sandwiches. 5) The milky way, like a starry drape over your forest lodge. 6) Free beer.  In the church.…