La Cosa Preziosa

In Apnea

Some geographical locations are inextricably linked to our personal memories.  If such a sonic relationship was built over time, even years, and through multiple visits and experiences, then these locations can sometimes lose their unique identity as characteristics blur into a single ‘memory place’. This short soundscape is partly sound memory, part fiction.  It distills memories of play growing up as…

Georgian staircase leads to experiment in sound fiction.

— So: you’re pacing this Georgian mansion recorder at hand, enjoying every creaky step and every rusty hinge.  You’re pretty sure you are alone, until one of the large heavy doors coughs up someone else.  The someone else smiles an unexpected hello from under their eyes, your reply gets half-caught in your throat.  It’s a…

Remixing a Memory

Cities & Memory is and exciting online project that attempts to ‘record both the present reality of a place, but also its imagined, alternative counterpart’. On the site, field recordings by international sound artists are accompanied by re-workings and interpretations that reimagine the locations in new and creative ways. C&M invites listeners to explore locations through…

Sounds of Prague

Ah, the creative archive. You know the one – those dusty digital folders diasporing all over the hard drive, treasuring buds of ideas ‘for future reference‘ and marked with inspiring labels such as ‘>random ideas<‘, ‘thoughts!’, ‘future projects??‘ (punctuation compulsory).   Being on a sort-of/self-employed maternity leave during these few weeks, I’ve found it the ideal time to go back rediscovering the contents of said…