8 Tips for Logging Audio Interviews

I am currently putting some sort of order into a large number of audio files connected with a documentary project I am working on, so I thought it might be interesting to share a few of my own work tips on this particular process.  Whether you are working towards a written piece or an audio…

Yes, but how do you LISTEN?

One of the benefits of our tight-knit recording community is the availability of dialogue and exchange on the subject and techniques of recording. What do you use and how you use it? What tips have you got? Any questions?  There is certainly no shortage of websites dedicated to the subject and forums to air our…

20 Sound-Related Podcasts to Foster Your Creativity

New year, new you.  New ideas, new inspiration, new resolutions, etc. etc. ‘Tis appears to be the season of more or less epic self-improvement overhauls. But what about the daily, unsung nuggets of inspiration we reach for everyday, working on our own within sound and art in general? In this post I’d like to particularly…